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Hi everyone! My name is Victoria Raish and I am a second year Ph.D. student in the field of Learning, Design, and Technology. Prior to this I was a middle school teacher in a hybrid charter school and the lead teacher at a child care center. My research interest revolve around digital badges, cybercharter schools, and student-centered learning using technology. I want to bring a lot of the academic theory into practice and make it accessible for teachers who are busy enough on their own! I look forward to sharing this presentation with you and learning more about the broader digital badging community.


Emily Rimland

Emily Rimland holds the Sally W. Kalin Early-Career Librarianship for Learning Innovations at the Pennsylvania State University. She publishes and presents on emerging technologies and pedagogy-related topics related to academic libraries, including the use of student response systems (clickers), educational gaming, and mobile technology which have been the subjects of recent publications and presentations.  She holds an MLIS from the University of Pittsburgh and enjoys providing instruction, reference, and outreach services to undergraduate students at Penn State. Teaching and learning with technology is an area of focus for her service leadership as well and she has co-chaired the American Association of School Librarians/Association of College and Research Libraries (AASL/ACRL) Interdivisional Committee on Information Literacy and has served on the ACRL Information Literacy Coordinating Committee.


Victoria Raish

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